- Selection from Moore, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
- Selection from Sen, Development as Freedom
- Myers, “U.S. Prepares Economic Aid to Bolster Democracy in Egypt”
- Kavoussi, “NAFTA Raised Wages in the U.S., Mexico and Canada"
- Strachan, “U.S. Economy Lost Nearly 700,000 Jobs Because of NAFTA”
- Yglesias, “Weddingnomics: The High Price of Signaling”
- O’Brien, “The Strange (and Formerly Sexist) Economics of Engagement Rings”
- Dhar, “What Happens to Stolen Bicycles?”
Thursday, January 31
- Selection from Trubowitz, Defining the National Interest
- Austin, “Canadian Cousins With Fleur-de-Lis and Mixed Genes”
- James, “Is Liberalization Reversible?”
- Palmer, “How Does China Manipulate its Currency, and Why Don’t We?”
- Selection from Greico & Ikenberry, State Power and World Markets
Thursday, February 14
- Coase, “The Nature of the Firm”
- Gilpin, “Review: The Political Economy of the Multinational Corporation”
- Selection from Marx, "Wage Labour and Capital"
- Selection from Kindleberger & Aliber, Manias, Panics and Crashes
- Krugman, “Cycles of Conventional Wisdom on Economic Development"
- Schneider, “An Amazing Mea Culpa from the IMF’s Chief Economist on Austerity”
- Ross, “Oil, Drugs, and Diamonds"
- Kapur, “The IMF: A Cure or a Curse?”
- Osnos, “Boss Rail”
- Rodrik, “No More Growth Miracles”
Tuesday, March 26
- Stiglitz, “The Book of Jobs”
- Eichengreen & Bordo, “Crises Now and Then”
- Goodhart & Delargy, “Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"
- Selection from Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation
- Lindblom, "The Market as Prison”
- Selection from Ariely, Predictably Irrational
- Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons"
- Simon, “More People, Greater Wealth...”
- Selection from Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow
- Thompson, “The 11 Ways That Consumers Are Hopeless at Math”